Wednesday, 5 November 2008

One of my new college friends is really great to have around, funny, interesting and we have loads in common. But since we first started hanging out i've always thought of her as a mate.

Then on facebook she added me and her photos really pouty and trying so hard to be sexy and it just really made me look at her differently.

i've never been into the whole posing and pouting for profile pictures (even though my hair suggests otherwise) and i dunno it's not sexy is it? i mean no one would ever see a girls picture where she's wearing loads of make up and little clothing and think yeah i bet she's a really great person to hand out with.

i dunno, maybe i'm just gay like everyone says

!&(^%$^$ JOKING

i'm not sure about this sketch either, she looks plastic

Sunday, 12 October 2008

So i met this girl today who i always see on her own, but i knew her from gigs before. We were talking in the smoking area at college and she asked me if i was an alien or a robot. i said robot and i think this was the wrong answer because she laughed and walked away.

Or maybe it was because she had finished her cigarette. She has this awesome green coat and bright ginger hair.

i think i want to be an alien.

Friday, 3 October 2008

So for college we had to take a photo of something relating to us. This is my pencil. It's a pretty new pencil as you can tell but I bite it a lot. I guess you could say stress but that's not really it. Just force of habit. I chew a pencil, or I sketch, or I get this weird twitch in my leg.

My ex said it's cause I was always having new ideas.

Anyway, Emma (my art teacher) really liked it, for once, she liked something I did. I'm hoping that means she'll get off my back about the whole photography thing and start actually drawing or painting or SOMETHING that I actually want to do. 

PS i know i always talk about college but it's all thats on my mind

Friday, 12 September 2008

So the last post I did was about starting at college well... since starting at college here are just some of the doodles I have achieved.

You'd think the fact that I was solely studying art would mean that I didn't feel the need to sketch over and above the actual art that I need to do. 

Well that's a lie.

BTEC art so far has included very little art at all, more just being patronized by people that only think I'm there because I'm an idiot and I couldn't do A Levels if I tried.

Not at all because art is the only thing I've ever really liked.

So my new start is pretty much like starting where I left off, but hey the doodles look pretty sweet, no?

Friday, 29 August 2008

I started college today, as I'm sure your all riveted to hear about.

Ironically this is the first image that comes up on google when you type in St Brendan's (the name of my college)

So yeah hopefully this'll be a hell of a lot better than COF as I'm doing BTEC art, more like what I actually want to do with my life.

Well...I'll keep you posted. 

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Well blogger I have succumb to all that you are.